Case: Centraal Beheer

“How do you manage the aftermath of an extreme hailstorm?”

The impetus

On 5 March, 2016, an extreme hail storm with hailstones the size of golf balls rages over parts of the province of Limburg.
The damage is enormous.

The consequence

Within half an our after the storm, thousands of victims contact Centraal Beheer.

The challenge for Centraal Beheer

As an insurer, you want to record the reported damage as accurately as possible, so as to not lose time on back and forth traffic. You also want to let customers know as soon as possible whether they are entitled to compensation.

Live Presence’s role

How are the numerous damage reports successfully handled?

All claims were submitted via automated chat conversations where all relevant information was requested. When it turned out the storm damage was below a threshold amount, this was immediately fed back to the damage reporter. Damage reports that meet all the conditions are automatically checked for completeness. Only fully completed damage reports are sent to the back office. This way the claims handlers can get to work immediately.

Directly after the storm, the contact center was overrun. In order to deal with these peaks, employees were put on the phone. These employees had our chat page open and were suggested through our chat what they should discuss and what information should be collected. This allowed employees without knowledge to reassure customers and help them further.